Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cinderella Glog

Good morning everyone,

The glog for Cinderella is now live J We will have our first biweekly test on Friday, so review away!

Have a great weekend,

Teacher Carmen

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Homework Week 2 February 24-26, 2015

Dear Parents, 
Welcome back to you, too :)
This week we start a new story called Cinderella. Did you know that there are many Cinderella stories all over the world? I hope you will enjoy this one. We will be exploring different types of tales and magical beings, from fairies to dragons and castles! 
The students have worksheets that they will use at home and at school.
You can help, by asking your child to read to you at home. Also make sure that they put the little booklet back in their bags when they are done. The glog will be up by tomorrow and the students can reinforce what they have learned by playing the games and singing along with the songs as well as watching the various short movies about fairy tales.

Have a fantastic week,


1. Review Reading Street Story:                    
2.背英語會話Recite conversations
3.唸本週句子Read weekly sentences
5.讀寫單字三次Read and write 3 times  #1~9

Teacher’s  Signature
1. Review Reading Street Story: Cx1 
2.背英語會話Recite conversations
3.唸本週句子Read weekly sentences
4.學習單Worksheet  Read Word Meanings  
5. 讀寫單字三次Read and write 3 times  #1~9

Teacher’s  Signature
1. Review Reading Street Story: Cx1    
2.背英語會話Recite conversations
3.唸本週句子Read weekly sentences
4.學習單Worksheet p6# 1-10 (Circle)
5.讀寫單字三次Read and write 3 times  #10~18

Teacher’s  Signature
1. Review Reading Street Story: Cx1
2. Read Production wordsSpelling Test tomorrow
3.學習單Worksheet  P7 # D

Teacher’s  Signature
1.唸熟Review Phonics  P5 Review
2.背本週句子Recite Conversation
3.讀寫本週句子Read and write weekly sentences  
4.英文簿訂簽Corrections in Writing Book
5. Cx2 

Teacher’s  Signature

Monday, February 23, 2015

Welcome back to school!

Just a short little note to remind you to come back to school tomorrow. I trust that everyone has had a fun and relaxing holiday with lots of amazing stories to tell. Even if you are feeling like this…


I hope that soon you'll be feeling like this! 
So early to bed and turn out the light. A good night’s rest for eyes, sparkly and bright.
Don’t forget to have breakfast as it’s the most important meal of the day.
Lots of exciting things are in store for you and lots of hard work too. By working together we can make this new semester the best ever!!

Remember to bring your homework with you as we will check that on the first day-tomorrow. Also, make sure that you have all your tools with you as you can’t do what you need to do if you don’t have the tools!
See you tomorrow,
Teacher Carmen 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Poems and Stories

These poems and stories were found on various sites on the internet. Read them and choose one you would like to recite or read to the class. I will type them up and make them available to you to print later.

Happy Winter Vacations!

February 2, 2015
Dear Parents,
Hopefully everyone is in a more relaxed state and enjoying a brief respite from the daily grind of school.  The students did well in the last monthly test and most have improved and reached their own individual goals. We have worked hard the whole semester and it’s time to recharge our batteries, so to speak.
As a class, they are starting to work together really well and helping each other. We have had the occasional breakdown but every day can’t be perfect. That would make us robots!
Hopefully the new semester will be smoother than the last and we’ll be able to get more done.
You have probably noticed that the test was a bit more difficult than any of the previous ones. In order to test the new concepts, we had to introduce them early on, so that by the end of next semester they will be more confident in the skills they need in order to progress to Grade 3. Like I said previously, we are not trying to trick them; we are trying to see what they know and how much we need to reteach. We completed the story Peter’s Chair. Do not throw the worksheets away as it will be easier for them to see their individual progress by looking at the worksheets. If they want to review certain concepts, the worksheets are a straightforward simple way of doing it.
As always, reading is important and this is not going to change in the new semester. Every day, regardless of whether they have written homework, they will be required to read the story at least once. We will continue with a story called Cinderella and I will provide the glogs as I have in the past. The Glog to Peter’s Chair is up and students’ can review the concepts by playing the games and discussing with you.
In the new semester the children will have to recite/read a story or a speech of about 1 minute. I will provide them with short speeches in the form of poems and short monologues. They can choose the one they want to do and practice at home and in the classroom. I will provide online copies on this site should your child misplace theirs.
As for the Winter Vacation homework, we have a few short stories and basic comprehension to do. I have provided a link to the answer sheet and they can correct this by themselves. Please have them do the work before checking the answers. Winter Homework Answers
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me on the blog or by email.
I will be at school up to Chinese New Year if you want to have a chat.
Have a wonderful vacation,